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Missionary Project:

One more Audio Bible

With the support of "supporting partners" like you, we find the most remote places where the Word of God has not yet reached. We work with local partners to change this reality. You can be an answer to prayer. Participate in 2025!

Pray and participate

Mission projects. Pray and consider giving as much as you can each month for a year (Season 2025).

Cartões para doação

All fixed missionary projects from 2025

P1. Interaction with Scripture (Audio Bible) - Brazil

P2. Discipleship and counseling of women (Sarah) - Brasília

P3. Strategic information for the church - Global

P4. Bible Translation Movement - Latin America

P5. Unreached People Groups (UPG-UUPG) - Latin America

P6. Saturation of Local Churches in the 27 States (400,000) - Brazil

P7. 24 short-term micro projects - Brazil

Our commitment to our "supporting partners" - in short:

1) Carry out projects

2) Send monthly news

3) Inform about the most distant "People Groups"

4) Celebrate together what God has done today

Guerra Tinoco Family

We are a family that works full-time on missions. We work tirelessly to “fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord” (Heb. 2:14).

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Família Guerra Tinoco

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News and Prayer

Rodrigo Tinoco no L4

Friends, the last message of L4. A brief report on the Lausanne 2024 Congress. This text is a compilation of excerpts from several others that I have read over the last few days. Thank you for supporting me and kindly allowing me to be a delegate from Brazil at the congress.

Fourth Lausanne Congress on World "Evangelization" (L4)

Theme: Let the Church Declare and Display Christ Together

Movimento Lausanne

Rodrigo Tinoco

Rodrigo is a member of SEPAL (Brazil) and FCBH (USA). He has a passion for knowledge stewardship. Since 2010, he has been using data to identify "oral people groups" who have not heard of Jesus Christ (UPG and UUPG), with the goal of facilitating access to the Scriptures through the Audio Bible. He has ten years of cross-cultural experience serving, working, and living in the U.S. and China. From 2016 to the present, he has been based in Brasília (Brasil) and works throughout Brazil. Co-author of the State of the Great Commission Report (SoGC 2024). He is married to Sarah and they have 4 children.

Missionary organizations we serve as a volunteer

a) Faith Comes By Hearing (Brazil)


b) Servindo ao pastores e líderes


1) Community of Mission Information Workers


2) Alliance Pro Bible Translation (Brazil)


3) Wycliffe Global Alliance Americas


4) Ibero-American Missions Cooperation


5) National Council of Evangelical Indigenous Pastors and Leaders


6) Minorities For Christ International

少數民族宣教中心 (Taiwan)

"Bring the Love of Christ to all people groups"


Churches that support us

Through generous people, we have a monthly financial inflow that is a “faith-based support” from friends, family, and churches. We call these friends partners or “missionary action network.” Become a part of this network in the year 2025 (Mt 6:33). It is an annual commitment (season 2025), which can be reviewed at any time. We are excited to starting the year 2025.

Below are the generous partner churches that support us in part of our financial support, either institutionally or represented by their members. We thank and praise God for the pastors, leaders and the entire church. Together until our Lord Jesus Christ returns.

DF - Igreja Batista Central de Taguatinga (IBCT)

Pastor Matheus Guerra

SP - Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana Independente de Bauru (1IPIB)

Pastor Davi Therezan


DF - Igreja Batista no Caminho​

Pastor Jorge Ricardo

DF - Vida Plena Ministério Internacional

Pastor Jorge Andrade

DF - Ministério Batista Missionário de Libertação (MBML)


SP - Igreja da Trindade


SP - Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana Conservadora​

DF - Igreja Cristã Evangélica Gama (ICE Gama)


CE - Primeira Igreja Batista de Fortaleza (PIB)

USA - Igreja Batista Brasileira (Washington-DC - IBBWDC)

Pastor Carlos Mendes​

USA - First Presbyterian Church (Bonita Springs)

USA - Central Presbyterian Church (Maryland)

Other missionary families that we are "Supporting Partners" in their project:

Our family (Guerra Tinoco Family) is blessed to have a "missionary action network" (RAM) formed by "Supporting Members", "Prayer Members" and others who walk and support us in various ways. We also have the pleasure and joy of supporting other missionary families with "offerings of love and sacrifice". Consider supporting them too if you do not already support other projects in 2025.

FGT Supporting Members:

1) Ivoneide Guilhon (Quilombolas - MA)

2) José e Ana Paula (Indígenas - AC)

3) Jarbas e Valeria (Indígenas - AC)

4) Ricardo e Flávia (Indígenas - PB)

5) Rinaldo e Gudrum (Aposentados)

6) Marinho e Gracilene (Indígenas - AM)

7) Vitor e Juliana (Paraguay)

8) Rober Guerreiro (Tradução - AM)



FGT Prayer Members:

1) Cláudio e Erika (Espanha)

2) Thiago e Fernanda (Tailandia)

Want to study missions? (Federal District - Brazil)

1- Missões - bacharel - AMIDE (DF)

2- Missões - Mestrado - AMIDE (DF)

3- Tradução - Linguística - ALEM (DF)

4- Gestão Missões - GMIL/ALEM(DF)

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Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and Cross-Cultural Missions

I am a business computing expert with extensive experience in large-scale innovative projects. For years, nothing seemed capable of surprising me.


Since 2010, I have directed my passion and skills toward bringing the Gospel to remote regions where conventional technology does not reach. My work focuses on three essential pillars: church planting, Bible translation, and the training of local leaders. In this context, far from urban centers and with limited resources, the technology that stood out the most to me was the Proclaimer (audio Bible), a simple yet highly effective high-tech tool that has become indispensable in fulfilling these purposes. Until then, no other technological innovation had significantly captured my attention.

Recently, however, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has changed this scenario. GenAI and the alphabet soup that comes with it—such as LLM, SLM, VLM, LVM, GAN, GPT, ELMo, MITL, CoT, MoE, RLHF, EeFT, RAG, DAG, GFM, GNN, to name a few—have truly impressed me with the potential of this technology. I believe we are just at the beginning of a revolution that will transform all sectors where computers are used.


Despite this advancement, I maintain the same three focuses in my ministry. I am clear that I do not wish to apply GenAI in contexts such as offices or social media. Instead, I am constantly reflecting and praying, seeking ways to integrate this technology into the ministry of bringing the Gospel to the most remote places in Brazil and the world. GenAI represents a new frontier, and I am excited to explore how it can amplify the impact of the work I do.

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